HAWK Pyrolysis
The HAWK Instrument is a full workstation including the computer, leak detector, and power accessories.
Pyrolysis and TOC parameters
Multi-ramp/zones and multi-peaks (including our predefined HAWK-PAM™)
126 sample capacity
No loss of light oil
Precise Temperature
Multi-point calibration
True temperature for kinetics
HAWK Pyrolysis, TOC and Carbonate Carbon Instrument
State of the art equipment that brings precision and accuracy to your rock analysis. This instrument analyzes rock samples (core, cuttings and outcrops) to determine the Total Organic Carbon (TOC), oil (S1), hydrocarbons yield from pyrolysis of kerogen (S2), pyrolysis measurements of both CO and CO2 (S3CO and S3CO2), maturity of the drilled depths (Tmax), and non-generating organic carbon content as determined from the oxidation cycle's CO and CO2 (S4CO and S4CO2). The HAWK Instrument also determines carbonate content by measure the CO2 content that is derived from the breakdown of carbonates (S3CO', S3CO2' and S5).
Evaluation of both conventional and unconventional petroleum resources
Identify unconventional hydrocarbon resources such as shale oil, tight oil, low resistivity, by-passed, and conventional payzones
Determine classical geochemical parameters for source, maturity and kerogen type
The HAWK Instrument will provide you with the basic data for formulation of geochemical logs that is needed to classify the type of reservoir rock that your drill bit encounters.
Application of data from HAWK leads to the successful identification of producible Shale Oil Resource Systems.
Continuous organic-rich mudstones with no open fractures (tight shale)
Organic-rich mudstones with open fractures (fractured shale)
Organic-rich mudstones with interbedded organic-lean facies (hybrid shale)
Key to producible shale oil resource systems and identification of by-passed pay zones is the presence of producible oil which occurs when the “oil crossover effect” is plotted as shown below:
Utilizing the “Oil Crossover Effect”:
S1/TOC > 1 or when Oil Saturation Index (S1/TOCx100) > 100 mg oil/g TOC
The HAWK instrument was designed with laboratory and well-site in mind.
There are various options available on the HAWK Instrument. All HAWK workstations includes computer, printer and basic consumables components.
Includes: S1, S2, and Tmax
Includes: S1, S2, S3, Tmax, Total Organic Carbon, and Carbonate Carbon (CC)
S1 (free oil)
S2 (kerogen yield)
S3 (organic carbon dioxide yield)
S3CO (organic carbon monoxide yield)
Tmax (maturity)
TOC (Total Organic Carbon)
CC (Carbonate Carbon)
Absolute Tmax for kinetics calculations
Plus the Following Interpretative Calculations:
Adsorption Index (AI)
Oil Saturation Index(OSI)
Hydrogen index (HI)
Oxygen index (OI)
Oxygen index' (OI')
Production index (PI)
Generative Organic carbon (GOC)
non-generative organic carbon (NGOC)
Calcium Carbonate equivalent (CaCO₃equiv)
It's All In The Details
The HAWK instrument measures all the classical pyrolysis parameters (S1, S2, S3, and Tmax) and TOC (Total Organic Carbon) using only about 100 milligrams of 60 mesh size ground rock sample. In addition, the HAWK measures inorganic carbon and therefore gives you the carbonate carbon content of your rock samples. Acid preparation of samples for TOC analysis on the HAWK is not required.
Utilizing the HAWK-eye software, interpretive results such as Oil Saturation, Hydrogen Index and Maturity can be obtained in near real-time to facilitate geosteering.

HAWK is ideal for analysis of not only conventional samples but also unconventional ones for which, the rock formation’s generative and non-generative organic carbon contents can be determined while any generated, expelled or retained hydrocarbons can be quantified.
The HAWK’s maximum oven temperature is 850 °C which insures complete pyrolysis of difficult to break-down Type III kerogen and also assures you that the complete decomposition of carbonates such as calcite and dolomite will occur. The HAWK also provides the capability for processing kinetics data using software such as GeoIsochem’s Kinetics2015. HAWK’s kinetics data output can be configured to suit your needs. Whenever desired, analyses on the HAWK can continue overnight with no operator attention because it has a fully electronic, high precision autoloader with removable and interchangeable trays holding up to 126 samples.
HAWK's PyroSmart panel displays real-time instrument status without the need of an external PC. All the critical parameters including gas flows are stored within the sample file so when you review your data, you can go into the data base and look into both the instrument and sample run parameters. HAWK’s data file captures all real-time data associated with individual runs.
Using the HAWK, you can determine producible and by-passed oil zones (S1) and ascertain the hydrocarbons source rock potential (S2), maturity(Tmax), inorganic carbon content (CC) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). In addition,you can use the HAWK for designation of formation tops and geosteering while drilling.